Understanding the Primary Industry and its importance in estimating emissions

How to select the correct Primary Industry and why it is important.

Covered in this article:

Why is selecting the correct industry important on Pathzero Navigator? 

How to select or edit Primary Industry?

How to select the correct industry?

Need help finding the Primary Industry?

Why is selecting the correct industry important on Pathzero Navigator? 

Primary Industry covers 249 granular industry classifications which enables companies to easily categorise their business based on their primary activities.  

 The selected Primary Industry will enable the Pathzero Predictive Model. The Primary Industry (alongside the specified region) determines the region/sector-based factors which are used for estimating financed emissions. Therefore, selecting the most accurate Primary Industry is pivotal.

Learn more about the Pathzero Predictive Model for generating estimates.

How to select or edit Primary Industry?

The Primary Industry classification of an asset can be easily added or edited on the Asset Details: Investment Information page.

Find more information on how to edit this page here

Navigate to the 'Edit' Industry as shown below:

To select the industry for an asset on Pathzero Navigator, follow these steps: 

  1. Search the Primary Industry list and select the most relevant industry. 
  2. Click ‘Set Industry’ to save your selections. 

To use GICs classification to assist in the Primary Industry selection, follow these steps:

  1. Select the most relevant GICS industry group. This will filter and display the applicable industries. 
  2. Select the most relevant GICS industry. This will filter and display the applicable GICS sub-industries that you can select. 
  3. Select the most relevant GICS sub-industry. This will automatically populate the correct Primary Industry in most instances. In some instances, it will display the associated Primary Industry for you to choose from. 
  4. Select the most relevant associated Primary Industry. 
  5. Click ‘Choose this sector’ to save your selections. 

How to select the correct industry?

A company's GICS industry and sub-industry can typically be found on financial data platforms, such as Bloomberg or Yahoo Finance.  

Alternatively, the company can also check its annual reports or SEC filings. Additionally, the GICS website also provides a search tool that can be used to look up the correct GICS selection of a specific company. 

If a company’s industry and sub-industry are not disclosed through these channels, the company can self-map to an industry and sub-industry using the table at the end of this article. 

Need help finding the Primary Industry?

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) provides a standardised method for investors and companies. It is a four-level classification system that includes: 

  1. 11 sectors
  2. 24 industry groups
  3. 69 industries
  4. 158 sub-industries  

MSCI and S&P created the GICS system to provide a standardised method for categorising companies across the world.

The GICs classification may be useful tool in mapping an asset to the Primary Industry list. Please find the GICS 2022 Table here, which may assist in the Industry Mapping process.