Pathzero US EEIO Emissions Factors

This article references the work completed to create the Pathzero US EEIO emissions multipliers used in the Pathzero platform.

This dataset has national level GHG emissions for 53 economic sectors in the US, for the year 2017. The data is built upon the US EPA’s National Greenhouse Gas Industry Attribution Model. In this model, the GHG emissions reported in the EPA GHG Inventory published in 2019, is attributed to industry sectors as classified by the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the 2012 input-output tables. This data is then mapped to the required 53 economic sectors. The estimates include emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, and other gases (HFCs and PFCs) reported in CO2 equivalents.

Emissions attribution to economic sectors

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

The GHG emissions from this sector include the following source categories: enteric fermentation in livestock, manure management, CH4 emissions from rice cultivation, agricultural soil management, urea fertilization, liming, and field burning of agricultural residues.

Manufacturing sector:

Emissions based on fuel consumption

For manufacturing sectors, emissions were allocated using EIA's Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) as well as the IO Use table. MECS contains data for fuel consumption by type for different manufacturing sectors. In this dataset, MECS 2014 survey data is used. Specifically, emissions are first allocated to MECS sectors, some of which correspond directly to the IO sectors of our interest. For more aggregate sectors, emissions are further allocated to IO sectors based on their purchases of fuel.

Other process uses of carbonates

Allocated to manufacturing sectors based on the use of carbonates, approximated by purchases of "Basic inorganic chemicals manufacturing" in the IO Use table, because various carbonates are produced by this industry.


Emissions based on fuel consumption

Since mining is a non-manufacturing sector, the emissions allocation has been completed based on the IO Use table after subtracting emissions from manufacturing sectors.

Other sources of emissions include abandoned oil and gas wells, abandoned underground coal mines, and natural gas systems.

Service and commercial sectors

Emissions based on fuel consumption

For all service-based sector, emissions have been allocation based on the IO Use table after subtracting emissions from manufacturing sectors. 


Emissions based on fuel consumption

Emissions are allocated based on transportation fuel use by vehicle type, which is further attributed to different transportation sectors. For example, consumption of jet fuel and aviation gasoline is attributed to air transport emissions.

Disaggregation of emissions into passenger and freight

For air transport emissions, the emissions are further disaggregated into passenger and freight emissions based on the ratio of revenue miles flown by passenger flights and cargo flights. This data is published by the Bureau of Transportation statistics.

For rail transport, the passenger rail emissions are calculated by fuel consumed by commuter rail systems. This data is published by the US Department of Transportation. The rest of the emissions from this sector are allocated to freight emissions.


1.Ingwersen, W., and M. Li. Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 2020.
2.USEPA, 2019. Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2017. 3.BEA, 2019a. Input-Output Accounts Data.
3.BEA, 2019a. Input-Output Accounts Data.
4.Yang, Y., Ingwersen, W.W., Hawkins, T.R., Srocka, M., Meyer, D.E., 2017. USEEIO: A New and Transparent United States Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Model. Journal of Cleaner Production 158, 308–318.
5.Ingwersen, W.W., Yang, Y., Gilkey, K., Li, M., 2017. USEEIOv1.1 – Satellite Tables.
6.Berrill, P., Miller, T.R., 2019. CIE USEEIO extensions v2.1.
7.EIA 2014, Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS)
8.US DOT, 2017. Fuel and Energy data
9.Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S Air Carrier Traffic Statistics 2017